30 June 2013, 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)
Introit: Omnes gentes, begin on G (as fa)
Offertory: Praise to the Lord, p. 205, begin on F
Communion (Years B & C): Inclina aurem tuam, begin on F (as fa)
Recessional: I know that my Redeemer lives, p. 355, begin on D
Mass XI, PBC p. 58. Credo III, PBC p. 77
The Introit antiphon has two phrases:
1. Omnes gentes, plaudite manibus
2. jubilate Deo in voce jubilationis.
The exhortation to be glad, to shout aloud for sheer joy, could hardly be expressed better than in these words of the Introit. It is the triumphal shout of Easter, as befits the fact that every Sunday is a recalling of the Resurrection. The melody, however, is not correspondingly impetuous, and can scarcely be regarded as a substantial enhancement of the text. The sixth mode, the one used here, is mild and limpid in character. Besides, in its plagal form, it usually has very narrow limits in the higher range, and here is especially unpretentious. Only once does it go beyond the dominant a in the brilliant jubilate which, with its a c b c a, can be regarded as a development of f a g a f over Omnes and (exsultati)-o-(nis). Otherwise it rests upon the tonic f, and several times descends below it. Only well-known formulas come into play. Omnes resembles Stetit Angelus in the Offertory of September 29, while plaudite manibus employs the common formula of the Alleluia-verse of Christmastide: for example, that of the third Christmas Mass over adorate Dominum or that of the Introit of the preceding Sunday over plebis suae. Just as an actual clapping of hands, in accordance with the summons of the Introit, is entirely out of question in the Roman liturgy, so also is the indicated joyfulness quite restrained and subdued.
(Years B & C) The Communion antiphon has two very short phrases:
1. Inclina aurem tuam
2. accelera, ut eripias me
This simple prayer received a special emphasis by the fivefold repetition of a single motif, although with a little variation each time. The passage g agfg a a over tuam becomes g agfeff over (acce)-lera, g a g f g over eru-(as), over (eru)-as first simply g a g f, and then g a g f e. I know that without Your grace I can do nothing; hence I cry now, as in the prayer Deus in adjutorium which begins the canonical hours: accelera—make haste to deliver me from all evil and confirm me in all good.